Our Training Options

Any dog. Any size. That’s our motto, and we stick to it. We’re ready with modern techniques to help your pup take it to the next level. With follow-through, your dog can learn anything. And we’re here to help. Explore our options below, or schedule a consultation today.

Choose Your Method

You can choose between Treat Training, or our E-Collar Training. Both come with one-on-one classes, and both are incredibly effective. Worried about your pup? Don’t be. Our methods are humane and backed by research. Your training will come with a 15-foot training lead.


Basic Training Option

Our basic option includes four classes, which help your pup master life-saving commands. Sit; come; down; place; heel; and an on/off command.

Worried about “stay” as a command? Don’t be. Our classes imply stay until your pup hears their release command.

Our pricing is competitive, and we look forward to discussing your package today.


Basic + Advanced Option

Enjoy all the perks of our basic training, and level-up your pup into the perfect companion. Trust your dog to do anything after an additional four classes with four advanced commands.

These life-saving commands will allow you to take your pup anywhere and do anything. Your options include: Come to heel; through; extended sit/extended down; advanced door manners; and many others.

Customize your training to reach new heights.

Our pricing is competitive, and we look forward to discussing your package today.


Board and Train

Offered in one or two week intervals designed to accomplish basic or basic and advanced training, our Board and Train is pinnacle of convenience.
We’ve built this program for busy pet owners, those who travel and families who have schedules packed to the brim. We only ask you follow-through with the training to ensure your pup continues listening to newly-learned commands.

In one week, your pup will master basic training. With two weeks, you can design your pup’s training with basic and four advanced commands of your choosing.

Our pricing is competitive, and we look forward to discussing your package today.

Aggressive Dog Rehab

Any breed. Any temperament. Every dog deserves a second chance. Our proven methods help rehabilitate dogs, instilling them with the trust they need to eliminate aggressive behaviors. We’ll work with you to design a program right for your dog.

Any dog. Any problem.
Any challenge.